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I love this music XD


Lo juego en mi video mas reciente de tres juegos randoms y aunque sea corto fue bueno, y me gusto la canción final

Who knew ducks could be so creepy!

No screenshots?

Never seen Ducks with bright red glowing eyes (thank god) so will keep feeding them at the local pond until I do. Nice game but as Miki says below the fear bar was way too loud. Loved the random placements of the ducks too for every game. Was a nice replayability touch. Well done dream team.

(2 edits)

The fear meter was a bit too loud but loved the game either way!

I'm new to YouTube and it would help a lot if you leave a like or subscribe if you like the content, also you can request a game by leaving a comment!

I couldn't pass a game about killer ducks lol This game stressed me out so much . Great job  your game is third and starts at 10:34

I don't have the phobia but after playing this game I understand why people would fear ducks like this. Fun little game, terrifying throughout and speedrunable :) .

Played this in my Indie Games Series:

Definitely scared of ducks now

oh noo

you can pick up the same duck twice if your fast

I'll never give bread to those filthy bastards again.

Fun game.

love your game thank you :):):):)


Hi, I'm studying game and interactive audio at university. I was wondering if I could use your game for my audio implementation assignment, I would love to get in touch :)) - Maxx

Sorry it's been a couple weeks, I never really check this lol but yeah no worries 

This game was funny and entertaining! The Game Over screen was actually creepy as hell! 

this is funny



this game is creepy


I got hungry

i have Anatidaefobi 


FUN Game! The ducks/Music had me going!


I'm kind of surprised people are still downloading our lil game jam game haha

Glad you enjoyed the game!


Not scary but i had a good time with it.  Good job!


I’ll leave this here in case you want to see some gameplay hehe :)


I actually have this fear, and now it's worse. Good job. ;w;


Don’t worry. Even if a duck DID watch you, it can’t exactly hurt you, can it?


It can peck my eyes out o-o


love ducks, had to play. thanks for the scares, heres a recording i did for the stream


Super Cool Game, Really Graphic, really scary game, and its a great simulation what it feels like to have the phobia!


I'm happy to play a great game!

I uploaded a play video on YouTube. from Japan. I'm sorry if the translation is strange.


素晴らしいゲームをプレイできてうれしいです! プレイ動画をYouTubeでアップロードしました。 日本からです。翻訳がおかしかったらごめんなさい。


I can't imagine what it must be like to have this fear but this is a good concept of what it must be like to have this fear especially in your own home where there are no ducks , only the ones in your mind.

It is creepy and definately feels eerie to play, it was a fun experience ....maybe not fun for those who suffer this condition though..... but a great little game none the less.


I’m not scared of ducks but the idea of being chased by one is something I would call pleasant lol. Game starts @11:56


Noice scares


Such a silly game! I beat it many many MANY times yet still found myself going back to play more. I had a lot of fun with this! Here's my playthrough:


That was a fun ride!


Damn evil ducks.


I actually really liked this game (starts at 1:55)

the game is small but I dont know why you guys dont use unreal engien and focus on improving and making bigger

Well, at some point we did plan on making the game bigger however, since we are all university students and that we live some what far from each other, we never really found the time to work on it unfortunately. But thank you very much for your interest in our game :).

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